The characters below are ready to play, however, each of these is only partially complete. They still need you to give them a name, backstory, and personality. Are they off on their adventures to claim riches from the lands, or compelled by some great event in their history? Where are they from, and what lead them to become who they are? We’ve filled out the basics to get started, but they need you to bring their personalities to life!
We can also switch boy minis to girls and vice versa. Just ask!
A character can only be used once in each game so we recommend players have a first and second choice. If none of these are quite speaking to you, just reach out to info@theundiscoveredlands.com. We are adding to this list constantly and are happy to work with you!
Note: gender pronouns are used in these descriptions but players can request any they prefer for their games.
Halfling Rogue.
Small and nimble, this halfling rogue is great at sneaking through dungeons, disarming traps and locked doors, and striking from the shadows with her shortbow. As a halfling, she’s difficult to frighten, with an outlook that is kind, curious, and born from an abundance of luck. She’s also brilliant with disguises and a fairly good pickpocket when she needs to be.
What are some of her favorite disguises?
Human Barbarian.
Hailing from a far wilderness, this barbarian brings it. With her fiery red hair, nose ring, and imposing maul, she isn't one to back down from a fight. Choose her if you like the idea of being upfront and keeping the enemies busy while your allies shoot from behind you. She can take as much as she gives, and is hard to knockdown.
What should her battle-cry be?
Human Cleric.
Your party would be lucky to have this healer’s help! Clerics keep everyone on their feet, casting prayers that replenish hitpoints and generally keep the group humming. This cleric is from the light domain, making her a wielder of sacred fires to burn away the evil of the world. She is a light who can guide the party through the darkness.
From what deity does she draw her power?
Dragonborn Bard.
This sleek copper dragonborn carries their lute on their back with their sword at the ready. It’s hard to believe the same throat that can carry such a lovely singing voice can also shoot acid at its enemies with its breath weapon. Be a bard if you don’t mind using your powers to support your fellow players while also beguiling the bad guys.
Elf Druid.
Wood elves have a natural connection to the forest, and it makes sense that this one would pass into the druidic tradition. She is a bit more of an offensive player, wading into battle with her wooden shield and quarterstaff. Her magic is derived from the nature around her which is also her home.
Half-Elf Ranger.
With her longbow and shortsword, this half-elf ranger is at home amongst the trees of the forest. She can navigate the wilderness with an almost uncanny sense of direction, and survive easily on plants and wild game. Or maybe she’s a vegetarian? Either way, a ranger is a great addition to any party.
Gnome Druid.
Druids draw their powers from the natural world, which pairs great with a forest gnome. His short stature just puts him closer to the animals he speaks with. But this guy’s not only able to commune with the creatures of the forest, at 2nd level he can even turn into one! Pick this druid if you like the idea of a character who's magically connected to nature.
What does his home look like?
Human Wizard.
Wizards gain magical abilities through intense study of arcane arts. This wizard has a spell book chock full of goodies like the ability to change her shape, shoot fire from her hands, or find her “familiar,” a magical animal that understands her thoughts. Pick this wizard if you want to explore the magic of D&D. Harry Potter has nothing on her!
What kind of animal should her familiar be?
Half-Orc Barbarian.
The other barbarian of the bunch, this half-orc has a lot of heart! He looks fierce pointing his great-axe at his enemies, and he’s got the power to back that look up. Choose him if you like the idea of wading into the fray without much concern for your well being. Your enemies will quake at your approach.
Where did he get his axe?
Human Ranger.
This ranger is more at home in the forest under the stars than the stifling walls of a city. He can track the trail of a beast in the woods, and hit the bullseye on a target 600ft away! At 2nd level he even gets a few spells to cast, though his bread and butter is always his bow. Choose this ranger if you want to play a sharpshooter of the forest.
How did he come by his profession?
Tiefling Bard.
Tieflings are born from an infernal lineage that gives them some devilish features, like horns and a tail, but that doesn’t make them evil. On the contrary, they’ve got high charisma and make very interesting characters. Take this bard for instance. Bards use music to cast magical abilities that charm their foes and bolster their allies. This one can sing her enemies to sleep!
What does she sing right before battle?
Human Paladin.
Paladins are sort of the knights of D&D. They swear oaths and live by codes. Aside from being handy with a greatsword, this guy is a shield master who can shove an enemy away after an attack. He can also make some healing prayers and gains additional spells at 3rd level. He’s good on the front lines or can stay close to allies and protect them.
What’s the name of his sword?
Human Monk.
The monk is the martial arts master of D&D. If you want a character who can emulate the action of a good kung-fu movie, this is your guy! As he levels up he gains deeper knowledge of ancient martial powers and fighting styles. And while he may wield a staff or a sword, his hands alone are deadly weapons.
Who was his teacher?
Dwarf Cleric.
As a cleric of the life domain, this dwarf’s healing prayers are extra potent. He’s a battery that will keep the party charged up during any encounter, and if someone goes down in a fight he can pick them back up. His dwarven resilience and natural strength make him an excellent combatant as well, able to drive forward with a warhammer and shield to protect his allies.
What does he look like when he casts his spells?
Elf Ranger.
This wood elf has an innate knowledge of the forest that makes her a natural ranger. She’s at home with a bow in her hand or a shortsword in each, and will gain spellcasting abilities when she gets to 3rd level. Her Elven senses help her to see well in dim light, move with greater speed, and protect her from magical charms.
What is it she’s seeking in her adventures?
Elf Sorcerer.
Unlike wizards, sorcerers are born with their magical abilities and they flower as they come of age (kind of like the X-men). This elf’s magic is a wild, untamed thing, sometimes flooding through him to add power to his will, and other times doing random things on its own (he once became a potted plant for 3 minutes). His wood elf heritage connects him to nature and makes him extra nimble with his powers.
What was it like when he started getting his powers?
Dragonborn Cleric.
Dragonborn characters are great for players who want a little extra Dragon in their DnD. This guy is a blue dragonborn, which means he can literally breathe lightning at his foes! This theme pairs nicely with his “tempest” divine domain, deriving his cleric powers from religious devotion to storms, seas, and the sky. He can conjure fog clouds and execute his attacks with a peal of thunder! And, like all clerics, he can keep his teammates standing with healing spells.
What does he say right before breathing lightning?
Half-Orc Fighter.
A good fighter is the bread and butter of a DnD party, and this one is oozing with character. She’s got her morningstar and shield and is ready for all comers. Don’t be afraid to put her at the front of the marching order while exploring a dungeon, as her relentless endurance will keep her standing. She’s generally a tough cookie in a fight, and gets extra special attack bonuses as she levels up. If you want a good martial character for the front lines, this is the lady for you.
Does she have a nickname for her morningstar?
Elf Cleric.
This holy elven cleric channels her divine energy into spells that power up her attacks and shield her allies from harm. With her warhammer and shield, she wades into the battlefield on behalf of her deity, blessed with the power of prayer. Clerics are a great combination of magic and martial fighters, able to sling spells, swing weapons, and heal allies.
Dragonborn Paladin.
With their sacred oaths to Bahumat, the patron god of good dragons, this paladin defends their party from danger through their devotion. Their copper dragonborn ancestry also means they can breathe acid on foes from 30ft away, and at higher levels they can charge up their attacks with holy prayers to smite their enemies with their axe.
Dhampir Rogue.
This half-vampire is at home in the shadows, which makes him a doubly-good rogue. Sneak attack from afar or swoop in for a bite attack. His dark origin makes him an especially intriguing character to play.
Leonin Monk.
Ever dream of being a lion-person with kung-fu training? Well look no further than this Leonin Monk! Channel your Ki into stunning abilities to confound your foes. At third level you can choose your monastic tradition, like Way of Shadow or Open Hand. Combine this with a roar that will stun your enemies into silence!
Human Barbarian.
Barbarians don’t wear much armor, so he doesn’t either! Dual wielding an axe and a longsword, this guy is ready for anything. Barbarians are typically at the front of the battle taking the hits from the bad guys that would fell their weaker colleagues. Who doesn’t want this guy on their side?
Dragonborn Rogue.
Sneak up on your enemies? Check. Breathe fire because you are a powerful brass dragonborn? Also check. With shimmering brass scales, this dragonborn casts arrows from afar and is also handy when you need someone to go scope out the next room in the dungeon without setting off traps.
Dhampir Fighter.
This one was a custom creation from one of our older players, and not for the faint of heart! He’s a half vampire from the character options in “Van Richten’s Guide To Ravenloft,” a newer D&D supplement. He checks the box for any of you Twilight fans out there and is using his dark nature for good. He’s skilled with his rapier and he’s got special abilities that let him shield his allies in a close fight. Those fangs though…
How did he become who he is today?
Drow Cleric.
The Drow (also known as Dark Elves) are a subterranean race of elves distinguished by their dark complexions and greyish white hair. They are often antiheroes of the D&D world. This cleric of the war domain brandishes a golden warhammer and shield of elven make. Like all clerics, he can split duty in battle as a frontline assaulter and healer, keeping his allies standing while dishing out damage to their foes.
Why did he leave the dark caves of his youth?
Tabaxi Druid
Our other Tabaxi character, this druid draws her magical powers from the nature surrounding her. As a tabaxi, her feline instincts meld with her druidic powers to relate to and tame the wild animals of the Undiscovered Lands. She’s a joy to play for anyone who likes cats. You should be fine to pit her against anything the world has to offer so long as no one invents laser pointers in D&D.
What’s a good feline name for her?
Elf Warlock.
Mastering the mysteries of warlock magic can take a long time. Luckily Elves live long lives! This one uses his crystal staff to wield arcane spells in service to his patron, the Great Old One. Their magic is bestowed by a being beyond mortal understanding, which will make for some great character moments!
Fairy Fighter.
This fairy fighter has blue skin, dark hair, and purple wings. Fairies might be a wee bit smaller than other races, but getting to fly is a pretty big bonus! This one wields two battle axes and a crossbow, and isn’t afraid to wade into battle.
Tiefling Monk.
Don’t be fooled by their devilish appearances, Tieflings are a charismatic, flavorful race in DnD. This one has devoted himself to the practice of martial arts, and his hands are magical weapons. As he levels up, he’ll gain abilities like quickly scaling walls and catching arrows to throw back at his enemies.
Tabaxi Rogue.
The Tabaxi are a race of cat people, which makes for an excellent rogue in D&D. This black Tabaxi rogue can use his claws to climb up trees and scout ahead or perch somewhere and sling arrows from his bow at unsuspecting monsters below. He keeps many of his treasures in a pouch he carries with his tail.
What are his favorite kinds of foods?
Dragonborn Wizard.
This golden dragonborn breathes fire and uses her pouch to cast magical spells. As a wizard, she is particularly adept at learning the arcane ways of the world and using her pouch to unleash them on her foes!
What is her pet name for her magic pouch?
Human Rogue.
Rogues are always sneaking around, with hit and run tactics to bring the damage to enemies from a safe distance. Their abilities really shine when you need a lock picked, a wallet nicked, or to sneak up and surprise your enemies. This clever human’s hair was turned white by something in his past. What might that be…?
Changeling Artificer.
Changelings are a unique species in D&D that can change their appearance to look like just about anyone. This one is an Artificer, who is able to craft magical items for the party’s use. Think of them as a kind of magical mechanic/inventor of the D&D world.
What magic items should she create first?
Human Ranger.
This is a more feminine version of our other Human Ranger option, with a few subtle differences. She’s still brutal with a bow, able to ignore when her enemies are in half or three quarters cover. Her favored enemy are Monstrosities and she picked up the Orcish language somewhere along her travels. Probably one of her most interesting features is her noble background. She’s considered royalty somewhere, and that’s up to you to decide from where!
What’s the trickiest shot she’s ever made with her bow?
Dragonborn Sorcerer.
Blue Dragonborns breathe lightning, which only adds to the cool-factor of this sorcerer. She’s channeling tempestuous magic born from storms and thunder. When she casts spells, she is born up on strong winds and can fly short distances. All this gets even cooler as she levels up. Who said being blue is sad?
Half-Elf Bard.
This joyful half-elf is not only a shredder with his lute, he’s got excellent hair to boot! Bards buff their allies and sing magical spells to charm and confound their enemies. If you think you’d enjoy playing an outgoing character who likes the limelight, this guy is your man!
Dragonborn Warlock.
This gold Dragonborn derives their magical power from a pact with a fiendish being of supernatural power. Combined with the ability to literally breath fire on their foes, this one is a force to be reckoned with.
Tiefling Druid.
Not unlike the movie character that inspired them (hint hint) this Tiefling Druid can channel the magic of nature into many uses, including transforming herself into different animals! They can almost pass for an elf or human except for the horns, which are a dead giveaway for their infernal ancestry.
Why use pre-generated characters?
We accommodate many new players and have found it easier to teach from a character sheet that’s already filled out and ready to go. This allows us to get to actual gameplay more quickly, where a new player can get exposure to rules in their proper context. Working from pre-generated character sheets also allows us to create instructional content that’s very specific for our players.
That said, we’re happy to accommodate requests from veteran players! If you want to change something about any of the above characters, or would like to try something else, reach out to us.