How do I update my payment info?
You can log in to your account and update your info using this link here.
How much reading and writing should my child be able to handle?
We operate at about a 4th grade level for reading and math. We encourage our players to write notes during games to remember specific names and characters.
What kind of hardware do I need?
Kids should be able to participate in a Zoom meeting while also accessing a digital “character sheet” (from DnDBeyond.com) through a web browser. This is best accomplished on a desktop or laptop computer since they can have a window open with the zoom meeting while also having their character sheet open on the same screen. The next best option is a tablet and/or a phone, so long as they know how to switch between Zoom and a web browser easily.
What books do I need to buy?
None! Dungeons & Dragons books like the Player’s Handbook are nice to have but not required.
No books? Then where do I get the rules?
The D&D Basic Rules contain most of the rules we’ll be using and can be downloaded free here.
These are alot of rules…
YOUR CHILD IS NOT EXPECTED TO KNOW ALL THE RULES TO PLAY. We encourage new DnD players and will make time in or outside the game for your child to learn the rules. All experience levels welcome!
Do you run DnD modules like Lost Mines of Phandelver or Storm King’s Thunder?
We do! We are currently running Dragons of Stormwreck Isle and The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. Go check our our games page.
How long does it last?
Most of our campaigns are built to take kids for as long as they want to play. We have kids who have been playing in the same game weekly for over 3 years! We also have others who have come in, taken a break, and then come back. Either way, we recommend you think about this as a regular weekly commitment for as long as your child wants to play.
Can we sign up for a set number of weeks?
If parents would rather bookend their child’s experience between specific dates, we can do that too! We just ask that weeks be booked consecutively and that we discuss the start and end dates during sign up.
What if we need to pause for a while?
We’ll work with you! If you’re trying to plan a family vacation for a few weeks we can absolutely accommodate this. If you need to take a break for an indefinite period of time, we can chat about that too! If you are canceling we just ask that you let us know more than 24 hours in advance.
How do subscriptions work?
Subscriptions renew each week automatically. If your child is going to miss a game that week, let us know and we’ll pause the subscription till the next game. We just ask that you let us know more than 24 hours before your child’s game.
Why did I get charged when I emailed you that we couldn’t make it an hour before the session started?
If a player can’t make a game we ask that you email us at least a day before the game. This allows us to plan for their absence and make adjustments to the game, ensuring the attending players have a better experience. Games that are cancelled day-of or later will be charged on their regular subscription. That said, if you had a good reason for not being able to cancel the day before (e.g. family emergency, bad stuff happening, etc) do reach out and let us know! We just don’t want it to be a regular thing.
How many players per game?
We prefer to keep 3-6 players per game. This ensures players get enough time during their turns and the game progresses at a good pace.
Why two-hour game lengths?
In-person DnD games can last 3-5 hours (sometimes longer), and some kids might also be able to handle those times, but we find two hours to be the right amount of time for most kids (and adults!) to be on a Zoom call. Too far beyond and some will inevitably start to drift.
Do you accept kids younger than 9?
Occasionally. Kids mature at different stages so if you’ve got a kid who’s a bit old for their age then let us know (although we’ve never gone below 8).
Can parents play with their kids?
Sure! We can host parent/kid games and have done so for one-off weekend games. If you’d like to know more about this reach out.
Do you record the games?
Yes we do! Our recordings are for security purposes only, so that parents can respond to any concerns they might have about any session. The only people allowed to see the recording of a session are the parents or guardians of the players in the game and sometimes the players themselves.
How are conflicts between players resolved?
Kids will from time to time turn their magical weapons at one another but we have a “Fight the monsters, not each other” policy in our games. We also don’t allow any bullying or prejudicial behavior at our table, including intolerance of any kind. Natural conflicts are usually addressed with quick resolutions surrounding the task at hand and ways the players can work together to more effectively achieve their goals.
Why do you use miniatures?
There are probably a thousand ways to play D&D, and the great thing is that none of them are wrong (unless it’s not fun, that’s bad). We like using miniatures because it gives the kids something interesting to look at, but still engages their “theatre of the mind” (a miniature cannot conjure a fireball). Plus, miniatures do a good job of creating a shared game state with the players, so there are fewer unknowns around what’s immediately occurring in combat. And with our camera and lighting rigs, well… we honestly think it just looks cool (adults love it too!).
Do you run games for adults?
We absolutely do! Reach out to discuss it.
How much violence is there in the game?
We play a high fantasy, sword & sorcery style game. Crossbows, battle axes, and other weapons exist and are wielded by the kids’ characters ubiquitously, as are spells that shoot acid and fire (it’s the only thing that will stop a Troll!). That said, we try to keep the violence down to about what you might see in a Marvel or Harry Potter movie. We don’t get graphic with our descriptions of the action in a fight (“With a cry you bring your warhammer down one last time as you manage to break the orc’s armor, defeating the last enemy on the battlefield.”) Nobody’s getting dismembered here. But the D&D universe is full of monsters, ghosts, skeletons, giant spiders, and evil villains! If any of these would freak your child out, feel free to reach out and talk specifically about your concerns.
Why do you separate age groups?
We find that kids play different games at different ages. The younger kids will tend to be a little lighter on the specifics of the rules than the older kids. So we try to create groups of kids that are about a year or two apart. This is of course entirely subjective as kids are all very different, so if you’ve got a thought for this with your child feel free to reach out to us. We also create exceptions to this rule with groups of kids that know each other and want to play together.
Do you do birthday parties or special events?
We do! We can cater to your time and schedule for this. Reach out to discuss!
Why don’t you use Roll20 or Discord?
There are many great platforms out there, however, we sought to make our game as simple as possible. Zoom is a basic and common video platform that works across a number of devices and needs very little engagement from the players to work. Plus, our games make heavy use of camera feeds. This, combined with DnD Beyond’s great character sheets, help us to create an experience that feels awesome. But we encourage players to check out other platforms and ways to play D&D online!
What if my child doesn’t see a miniature that they feel represents them?
We foster an inclusive approach to our experiences at The Undiscovered Lands. If you don’t see a miniature that you feel represents your child’s identity, please do reach out with a request. We can find a solution and get one painted up in time for their game!
What if no one else shows up to a game?
To actually run a session we need at least two players. If for some reason we don’t have that many players for a session, we will cancel that session for the week (this is rare) and issue a refund to any players that were planning to play.
You can play a game with two players?
Yeah, though it’s not ideal. This is usually because other players can’t make it that week for some reason. For these sessions we usually pause the longer campaign and play a one-shot adventure for the session, which can be a lot of fun!